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Reflecting on FA

What were some of the victories from Term-1? Why do you consider them a victory?

o Utilizing feedbacks – I was able to turn around my outcome after the feedback – Illustrated vector Map, Think lab reflection.

o Developing a good sense of color and composition – Added some great outcomes to my work – Illustrated vector Map, End Term Project.

o Observation skills – DDD, End Term project.

o Gaining confidence about my ideas – This allowed me to take risks and experiment further - Think Lab, Material transformation, Illustrated vector Map.

o Getting comfortable with teamwork – I don’t hold back my ideas, don’t mind taking charge now. Think Lab, EOC.

What were your feelings before the submission / crit, and after you received the tutors’ feedback?

I had expected criticism over my engagement with the tutors. I was very much excited to get feedback on my work so there was little to no anxiety.

I was quite satisfied with the feedback, a lot of things I had already expected that I need to work on. I was able to figure out the path that I’m walking on and where can it lead. It was very motivating, and definitely charged me up for Term-2.

What areas of strengths have you identified?


Color & Composition, Ideation, Observation.

Visual Skills

Observation, hand drawing, visual communication.

Material Transformation

Ideation of forms, execution.

Design Studio

Ideation, recording quality.

Design Environment

Breaking down - categorizing information, curiosity for reasoning.

What were the key gaps in your approach during Term-1? How did this impact your learning / FA?

o Not reaching out to tutors when stuck – Hindered my understanding and affected my performance in the daily tasks.

o Reflecting critically – This would have helped me make better connections and understanding.

o Exploring & using unconventional materials from surroundings.

o Sometimes plays only within the brief given.

Key Areas to Improve - Plan


Pass the minimum requirement of practice, explore further.


Step out and explore out of brief. Benefits:

· Further my understanding

· Gaining more skills

Exhaust any learnings that can be achieved


· Not enough curiosity within me

​· Afraid to step out of boundaries

Help, Support & Resources

· Peer work, tutors

· Look for challenge – it motivates me to explore


· Do not look back on the brief to make sure you’re doing it right.

· Try any idea that comes in mind, do not fear failure.

What will success look like?

· Better connections and skills

· Getting used to experimentation, iterative approach in work


Indulge in DDD once a week at least


· Maintain good quantity and practice

· Build more sensitivity to mediums and capturing objects


· Giving up due to inaccurate drawings

· Taking up time

Limited variety of objects

Help, Support & Resources

· Tutors, family and neighbors

· Borrowing objects


· Setting timer

· Developing a carefree attitude

Identifying what details make up the identity of the object to have a more accurate drawing in less time.

What will success look like?

· 10+ journal end of the year

· Sensitivity to details

· Understanding of composition size and scale.


LJL to have 150+ words than usual, explore critical learnings.


· Develop interconnections

· Understanding of concept

Expressing own discoveries, thoughts about topic


· Hesitating to reach out for guidance

· Vocabulary – use of simple vocabulary helps me express better than with formal terms

Help, Support & Resources

· Tutors

· Internet – to explore more on the concept

· Discussion with peers


· Be curious

· Look for concepts that excite/challenge and explore in depth

Dive into complexities with guidance as required.

What will success look like?

· Able to present a better understanding

· Developing own theories on the concept

· Making meaningful connections


3D explorations to have at least 2 unconventional materials


· To experience working with diverse range of materials

· Develop an eye for material

· To explore more than just the familiar stationery

Get more comfortable with materials


· Hesitating to experiment with materials

· Stepping in an unfamiliar space

Help, Support & Resources

· Tutors, Peer work

· Challenging myself


Understanding the functionality and properties of different materials – to be clear on their use in the explorations

What will success look like?

· More comfortable and open to work with new materials

· Make more use of my environment

· Develop a better perception of materials in my surroundings


Get feedback with every task, reach out for any problem


· Overcoming blocks in working

· Reach to better outcomes

· Proceeding with a good understanding


Hesitant to interact

Help, Support & Resources

Tutors & Friends


· Develop more confidence

· Be eager to clear doubts and perform better

What will success look like?

· Comfortably able to interact with tutors

· Understand feedback, and move forward to work with it

Set a module wise target Grade for yourself that you want to achieve at the end of the year (Summative Assessment).


FA Grade

Target Grade for SA

Visual Skills



Material Transformation



Design Studio



Design Environment



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