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Capstone: Phase 3

This is a record of my experience and learnings from the Capstone Module: Phase 3.


I was quiet excited for this phase, since most of the work till now was Sketching, and I felt free with materials.

The beginning of the iterations was more like understanding my keywords in a material form, what expresses them better. The first idea was of depicting the pain, in a more physical or biological sense. I started with drawing the iterations and understanding the geometry, and then began trying it out with materials.

The next few ideas were more focused on conveying the psychological pain. One idea was to depict the troubles of transgender men whose biological sex is of female. The first one is inspired by a tree, like it's roots are the hidden yet source of it, I tried to represent the disturbance caused between the true identity and the biological of a transgender man.

The second iteration is to create a feeling of distortion that the person feels as menstruation pulls them into womanhood, disconnecting from their true identity.

Another idea came from the way many women react to the pain, Endurance. In this iteration, the hands depict the continuous hard work of women to divert themselves from the pain.

Formative Assessment

The feedback did help me a lot. I knew I was missing some aspects, because I thought it actually led my inquiry to a different direction, menstruation. But I could very much relate and make sense out of why my tutors had suggested me to add the topics.

The following days, I had looked into the feedback and added more to my inquiry, which eventually improved my understanding and helped me generate more insights.

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