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LJL: Journey of an Object


Inquiring and studying an object for 3 weeks, this project gave me a different outlook on objects and designing. 'Every object tells a story', this phrase made no sense for me prior to my engagement with this project, but after this experience, I think I'm able to comprehend the story that the objects communicate.

Context & Design situations

Studying the evolution of an object, I learned that every change comes from a need, it has a context from where the requirements of a new form develops. These needs arise from the user and their environment, and can be categorized as; functional and emotional needs.

Functional needs - When we talk about 'users', there are a lot of factors that impact their needs. The environment, the objects they use, the resources accessible to them. All these factors shape the functional requirements of the users.

As told by our tutors, objects do not exist in isolation. Taking notes from my own inquiry, the evolution of writing tools was greatly impacted by the writing surface they were supposed to be used on. Before paper, a range of different materials were used for writing surfaces with varied thickness and materials. With each, there was a shift in the user's need of tools.

Emotional needs - Comfort, Convenience, and satisfaction. These are some common words used to describe a user's emotion towards an object. Designs are created to create such feelings in the users, to serve their emotional requirements through the object.

This understanding was gained through the ergonomic study where I understood how elements serve a lot more usability to enhance the user experience. The holder of the pencil, utilized by tucking it in the shirt or pockets actually adds convenience when one utilizes the eraser.

The documentary provided as a pre-work also initiated a thought process to understand how ergonomics play a role in today's design environment.

Reflecting on Teamwork


  • One gets familiar with different perspectives, therefore it helps expand the study and gain a better understanding.

  • Covering wide subjects like Timeline of an object in a short while.


  • To have a discussion on the method and way of writing down information before beginning with the research, or it might get difficult to understand each other's work.

  • Choose a layout that is easy to comprehend for all the team members.


Methods of Inquiry

  1. Primary Method - This method involves generating information through observation or conversing. It is often influenced by personal experiences and opinions.

  • Observation - I practiced this during my ergonomic study, where I recorded and observed my own interaction with my object to figure out the design elements that add to the usability of the object, the user experience.

  • Conversing - Through semi-structured interview I had interacted with two different users. It helped me understand the current scenario where designs are often created to serve individual need which has led to a large market for any object and that choosing the right tool is influenced by one's psychology.

2. Secondary Method - This method uses recorded information using sources from the web, scripts or documents.

  • Collecting data - Put together all the relevant information, and make connection to develop a clear interpretation out of it. This method is practiced in the Timeline, where I required information from history for which I cannot find any primary source. Another activity was Task-6, collecting data about the material to understand how it's properties contribute to the object.

Connecting tasks

  • Slice & Dice - Timeline: With the initial activity, I had observed my object to identify and categorize it's attributes. This made me conscious of a lot more elements that contribute to it, and hence I had a better idea to identify and inquire about the relevant information while studying Evolution of pencils.

  • Timeline - User-object association: Through the timeline, I understood how user’s need brings change in the form of an object. I used this understanding to come up with the right questions for the interview to understand the present scenario.

Reflecting on Activities


  • Identify the general function. Pencil - documentation

  • One discovers all the user groups and their reason to associate with the object.

  • ​With every juncture, know the direction it gives to the inquiry.

  • Helps understand connections between social, political, environment and objects.

  • If struggling with information, choose to move forward rather than procrastinating.


  • Observe and annotate each drawing to make some good insights.

  • Trust your observations and extract the most out of it.

  • Interacting with the object reveals some hidden aspects that one usually misses.

  • It urges one to feel the object, its surface, texture and finish.

  • It helps understand the design aspect of the object.

  • Focus more on your own interaction than covering all, it will give deeper insights.

  • Notice your own behavior as a user with the object.


  • It helps understand effects of human psychology on an object.

  • Use your knowledge from the tasks to create the right questions.

  • It helps understand how social, political and environmental factors impact the usage of product for different users.


Visual Tools & Techniques

Timeline - Clear segregation of writing surface and writing tool. It's like two timelines in one frame which helps understand the impact of one on another.

Ergonomic study - I think the frame appears quite unorganized which hinders the communication. Segregating the information into categories with clear division of each would support a better understanding.


Role of Material



Apart from the tasks, the movie Objectified is what initiated an understanding of terms like usability and helped me understand its significance in design. Another feature of project delivery was the pace. Although this seemed hectic at the time, I think moving past the tasks wouldn't have been possible if the pace had been any slower.

Every innovative design adds a new chapter to the story of the object
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