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LJL: Isometric Type

Isometric Drawings

The practice of this system of drawing trains the mind to visualize a form in multiple orientations, positions and different viewing directions. Through the weekly practice, I have developed a clear idea of straight, slant and curved forms and their representation as a 3D object on 2D surface.

In M2M, we were introduced to orthographic drawings, another system of drawing to represent an object, each of it's face as a flat surface which makes it appear as two dimensional.


The above comparison helped me gain a better understanding of the importance of isometric system of drawing in a design environment.

  • The grid supports the drawing with more accurate measurements.

  • It helps offer a better understanding of the structure and dimensionality of the product to the viewer.

  • Practicing this system strengthens one's ability to visualize objects in different positions and orientations.

Beginning the project with cuboids proved very helpful as it gave a fair idea of how the drawings change with every orientation, opening up a lot more views of the object. The dimensions of the object might seem different with change in it's orientation.

The project, Form to Formation, supported my practice as well. I visualized every alphabet trapped in a cuboid or as a formation of multiple cuboids. This helped me make accurate drawings most of the time.

I also noticed that my hand was much used to the curves for the Day-3 alphabets. This seems to have come from FVL-1, where I had practiced representing 3D forms through circular shapes on it's surface.

For better results, I'm planning to use the learning resources provided to further understand the presentation of light and shadow in an isometric drawing.

Digital Drawings:

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