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LJL: Illustrated vector Map


This was my first experience working on a long term project. It got me used to the ways of working on a software and the process of achieving a digital outcome.

Creative Process

In this project, we progressed with a new way to idea development, Iterative approach. This involves working in a step-by-step manner, where on every step we create multiple ideas, test, and choose the best one to move forward.

Trying out different methods and ideas helps discover the various possibilities to achieve the desired outcome. Also, analyzing different ideas might help develop a new method. During my explorations, as I observed the possibilities, I figured that they gave off a more modern look, so I tried to add something native to give it the traditional vibe.

With the progression of the stages there were challenges that hindered my pace. As we worked on every stage separately, sometimes the outcomes of each stage together didn't fit well. Working on every step as a separate stage of the process led to poor coordination among the elements. It'll be helpful to have the map on the screen as well, as we create new additions for it.

Looking over this process, I realize that we have been practicing it through our previous projects as well, where we begin with one material/element, experiment with different materials, discover new ideas, all leading to the understanding of our final outcome. The only difference is that the stages of the process was more defined in this project compared to the others. For this project, every stage was an element making up the final outcome.

Visual Communication

When we first started building our vibe in the map, we were asked to use different approach and methods other than color. It seemed difficult, since color has been our most useful friend for visual communication. But as I began my explorations, I was very amazed at how every method reflects a certain vibe. The one I used for my map, was using thread like brush for my strokes to represent my native embroidery style.

Now that I look at the final outcome, I can say that there are ways other than the use of color that can represent feelings much stronger and clearly. I think it is important to always have the keywords of the desired vibe at the back of our mind. This will ensure that the outcome carries a strong visual communication.

Representing a pre-existing style, comes with an additional effort. Since I chose Chikankari as my theme to communicate the vibe, the elements of my map had to be exact. Representing an art form requires careful observation of the style and elements, and picking out the most common ones so to make it easy and clear for the audience to recognize.


With a long project, I had encountered plenty of struggles. The guidance and review from the tutors got me to my final outcome.


  • I wasn't able to represent the embroidery style I had chosen. It just didn't blend well during my first attempts. I think it was because I was using a single source, one which had very exclusive motifs. My mentor guided me to select some common motifs and work with them.

  • The brushes I had used for the map didn't come in a lot of colors, and editing them led to a lag in the software. In the last week, my tutor taught me about the opacity. I later discovered how changing the opacity can also give me more color options.


  1. The project helped me realize the true potential of a visual composition, how it adds up so much meaning in a scene that we're so used to.

  2. Make a hand drawing of the ideas first. Working directly on the software limits one's exploration to the knowledge of the tools and skills.

  3. Always create a palette of the elements and colors to be used before working on the explorations. This will make sure that the outcomes from different stages blend well when put together.

Due to my chosen style, my practice of the tools has been very limited since most of my work was to create pattern brushes. I believe I'll need to continue my practice on this software to explore the other tools as well.

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