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Illustrated Glossary

Essence of Color: EOC - 1

Gradient - An arrangement of tints to shades of the hue of a color.

Context of color - The circumstances or aspects that shape the perception of a color.

Color palette - A collection of colors used in a specific project or scene.

Swatch - A stroke of color, big enough to identify the right shade.

Primary colors - True colors that cannot be achieved by any mix of colors.

Mind Map - A systematic arrangement of information within categories, that is able to communicate the precise information.

Fundamentals of Visual Language: FVL - 1

Tonal variation - To have a variety of tones.

3D Representation - A 2D composition that conveys the 3 dimensionality of the object.

Organic shapes - Shapes that are not geometrical or regular and exist through an object.

Dots - The smallest unit of a line. It builds the potential of a line and contributes to it's appearance.

Line - A length formed by a series of dots.

Think Lab

Perception - The way one sees and interprets based on their observation and knowledge.

Altering - To change or create a new idea from an existing form.

Scale - The size of an object with a set proportion.

Context - The environment and function an object serves which adds to it's perception.

Assumption - An opinion or guess based on observation.

Stakeholder - Any person or organization that is affected by, or plays a role in an exchange.

Stakeholder Mapping - A tool to identify and categories all the reasonable stakeholders.

Visual expression - A representation of expressions and feelings through visual elements like lines and dots.

Unconventional - Ideas that are not bound by or adhere to the usual perception and social norms.

Lateral Thinking - An approach to come up with creative solutions for critically analyzed problems.

Mundane to Magnificent: M2M

Orthography - A 2D representation of an object, with a view of one face at a time.

Pulping - A paper technique to turn paper into a soft clay like substance which results in change of it's texture and properties.

Isometric - A 2D representation of an object, with a view of three of it's faces.

Edge-pasting - A technique of attaching by sticking edges of two pieces together.

Perforation - To make holes through a surface or material.

Form to Formation: F2F

Faces - The flat surfaces that make up the form or shape.

Corners - The point where the ends of 3 edges from different axis meet.

Edges - Two faces of a form attached together.

Pure forms - Also known as platonic forms, are forms that have the same view of each face.

Essence of Culture: EOC2

Material - A tangible object that serves a function or purpose.

Non-material - A belief or cause that adds meaning to a material. It affects the use and perception of the material form.

Semi-structured interview - An interview which is a balance of structured and open-ended questions to extract precise and subjective answers.

Culture - A phenomena involving a set of norms and beliefs followed by a community leading a similar lifestyle.

Confront - To initiate an inquiry or look for reasons to understand the subject better and form an opinion.

Belief system - A set of norms that impact the behavior and lifestyle of a community.

Community - A group of people with similar beliefs and thoughts.

Fundamentals of Visual Language: FVL 2

Tonal Variation - The variation of light reflected from an object.

Primary Colors - The colors that do not split into a new set of colors through prism.

Contour - The outline or shadow of an object.


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