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Activity 6: New Possibilities

Activity of the Day

This activity was a playground for creativity, to create our own world based on a single assumption. The assumption for my group; what if humans had tails?

In collaboration, we came up with a list of 13 possibilities coming from the assigned scenario.

After the finalizing the list, we started on the sketches while two worked on the Miro board.


  • A single change in the environment impacts perspectives, communication, and products.

  • Sometimes designs that do not make sense in this world can inspire one to create unconventional and unique ideas.

  • As a group, it was a fun activity. Listening to other's crazy ideas and coming up with my own.

  • The activity made me feel like a child. It is a great exercise to break away from conventional ideas since in the imaginary world there are no pre-conceived notions which often bound us and impact our ideas.

Learning Mantra of the Day

Grow two heads to think unconventional

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