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Activity 3: Visual Expression


The activity began with an interesting video, displaying a creative narrative of how a line can be curvy, create shapes, patterns, and convey expressions. We were shown how different types of line, or a group of lines can create a visual expression, and make out our own interpretations of it.

Warm up activity

Each of us was assigned 4 words. We used different types of lines to express them. My words were, excitement, peaceful, weak and confused.

I used thick and thin lines of different styles like curved, zigzag and dotted lines to represent the expressions.

Main activity

We worked in a group of 5 people. My words for the main activity were, Violence and Masculine.

Violence Masculine

For violence, I wanted to show something like spikes, and I added multiple thin lines in the background to create a feeling of explosion. It was difficult to visualize masculine as lines. But my group members were helpful. We came up with a checked pattern for masculine.

For the 3D representations, I chose to depict masculine. I think I could do better. I had a different idea as well, but couldn't work on it because of the time trouble.


  • I learned that expressions can be represented with something as basic as lines.

  • Line has much more potential than I used to think.

  • I used to think of line as a straight one, but through the activity I am now much more used to different forms of lines.

Learning mantra of the day

Every line tells its own story, even the very tentative ones.

- Gillian Redwood

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