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Activity 1 - Altering Perception

Introduction The concept of today's activity was to absorb different ways to perceive an object. My part in the activity was to experiment and try out geometrical shapes to form our assigned alphabet. I n the beginning, we were demonstrated how we all associate a shape with an object and though the activity, I learned the different ways in which a shape can be perceived.

Warm activity

I worked in a group and was assigned an arrow like shape to demonstrate it through different ways, like geometry and object association. I associated the given shape with an umbrella.

Main activity

This time we were assigned alphabets and my group had to work with 'J'. In this activity, I was working on the geometric representation while my group members collected examples for object association. There had been some miscommunication regarding the brief in my group, and so for the presentation we only had pictures of the objects and not any sketches for the object associations.

Group working Working with new people for such a short time was a difficult task. It was harder to open up about ideas, to speak up about my interpretations at first. But we were able to cooperate and communicate with each other in time.


  • I was a bit hesitant in the beginning, but I tried to hold on to my interpretation and work with it.

  • I believe I wasn't able to transform the way I perceive things completely, but I think this activity has initiated a change. I try to be more creative with my interpretations.

  • I realized that even the objects around us can resemble geometric shapes and alphabets, and vice versa.

Learning Mantra of the Day

Trust your interpretations

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