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Typographic Voice 1 : Project Documentation

I had began the project with a questionable attitude towards type as a profession. But the series of assignments during this project made me realize that developing letterforms is a thoughtful process that requires diligence.


With no attention to the details, I had picked up a few typeface designs with heavily abstract letters. Later, I observed a set of simple typefaces, and although they seemed unappealing the forms had built some patience and sense of proportion into my perception of type.

I noticed similarity in forms that belong to one typeface through all classifications of type; sans serif and serif.

With this understanding of forms creating a family of identical letters, I progressed to the next task where I apply this sense of judgement to create a set of letters identical to a type in environment.

Analysis of the letterforms

This analysis served like a blueprint to design other letterforms within this family of typeface. The blotted letters appear overwhelmed reminding me of the term; mind-boggling, which gave way to my final execution.

BD Supper

With all the existing typefaces, I always mistook the familiarity of the letterforms as a strictly uniform structure that is required to be followed while constructing any typeface.

Crafting each letter by my own hands, I realized how every letter has it's own story and unique structure despite certain uniformity throughout the typeface. The process isn't as strict or rigid as I believed.


Type as Form & Space


Type as Film Poster, required one to use type to express the context of a movie/character. I struggled to interpret the context and express it through typography.

The movie captures the raw sense of greed and madness seeping in and taking over the character, eventually losing his sanity. This thought travelled back to one of the lecture: Archetypes; and I related this transformation of his character as a consequence of one's shadow self consuming them completely.

Material type

"The characters and forms are unique to the medium"

I recalled this line from when I was introduced to material animation, and it stick with me throughout this assignment. Therefore, I tried to incorporate the properties and characteristics into the letterforms.

Lodhi Art District

In the initial days of ideation, I struggled to find myself an inspiration that stimulated me enough to create 26 letterforms. I tried to understand how real life forms and objects can be translated into type, and sketched out letterforms that I could make out from the visuals I had collected at the art district. I shortlisted 2 ideas that I wanted to take forward.

While both these forms evoked my interest, the latter limits the horizon of imagination since it's a defined form, whereas the former could be interpreted in many ways, giving way to a lot more of exploration.

As I began exploring the forms, the process gained more meaning. The flower played an important role in the composition where the whole form appears like a stem. It seems to travel with uncertainity and blooms untold. With this concept in mind, I named the typeface 'Wildflower'. The term is referred to plants that are not intentionally seeded, and grow at uncertain places.


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