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E - Sawaari : Branding

This project was built upon a hypothetical brand, to create a visual identity by understanding it's values, audience and the market.


The idea I had selected for the brand was a pay-per-use service of electric bikes. It stemmed from the goal to make sustainable commute accessible and effective in daily life.

I wanted to ensure that the brand is served to a potential audience, therefore I began my research to understand the market. The analysis led me to the following insights:

  • The rural population has low-purchasing power which makes it difficult to acquire personal vehicles unlike urban Indians that are likely to lessen their use of public transport in the future.

  • Rising costs of fuels results in a high operating cost for personal vehicles.

  • Lack of institutions for higher studies in rural areas forces students to drop their studies or spend a large amount on transportation if they pursue education out of town.

  • Bicycles are the common means of transportation. Though it costs significantly less, it is not suitable for long distance commute or people with joint problems.

A major part of Rural India faces lack of infrastructure and transport facilities, therefore I defined the potential market of the brand, Tier 3 cities as they have basic infrastructure to commute on two-wheelers.

Form simplification

The object I chose was a highly textured conch shell. While simplifying the form I wondered if I could retain the texture and create something out of it. As I practiced the texture in my iterations, it led to a form that conveyed a sense of rhythm. I derived the context of music and dived into some research and studied the significance of conch shell.

This train of thought helped me understand how the context of an object can define a Brand's identity.

Deconstruction of a brand

I chose Yulu as it's product is also e-bikes with the proposition of making short distance mobility convenient and sustainable.

Since yulu is also an outdoor brand, I picked up a few points to keep in mind for designing my brand:

  • The palette should consist of colors that stand out from the environment (nature, other vehicles) to invite attention to the brand.

  • The brand name should be fit and according to taste of the target consumer. A city person may like symbolic, modern and unique words. A villager may find recognizable words more relatable and memorable.

Concept of brand

Target Audience

brand naming

building own business and marketing helped me understand how these aspects are useful to create a meaningful and impressive brand identity



Guidelines identity of brand


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