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The Study School: Website Design

The study is a playschool that aims to build strong foundational skills in kids through early education.


The project was to redesign the school's website. So we began our process by curating a list of exemplars to compare to the Study's existing website. In this exercise, I analyzed Ethos, a British school established in Egypt, as it seemed to have an effective structure of information which really enhanced the user experience.

This breakdown help me in understanding some factors that really impact an organizations presence in the education industry, like accreditations, transparent discourse of admissions procedure. And it also added a better sense of judgement to analyze the existing website of the client.

The analysis led me to a few initial ideas like creating a secondary color palette to maintain visual harmony and icons/illustrations to keep the visual language consistent, which will strengthen the brand identity.

As a team, our next step was to formulate the structure of the existing website and it allowed us to assess every screen and the content present on the website. I had also noticed that the structure lacks CTA buttons, which are essential to guide the user flow and ensure easy navigation throughout the website.

User Research

The primary goal of the website is to get parents to enroll children in the school, so we identified prospective parents as our primary audience. We also plan to target enlisted parents, children ( since their interests play a crucial role) and educators.

We visited the place to have conversation with the parents and learn more about the ethos of the School. Some of the key insights were as follows:

  • The key influence for prospective parents to enlist their child in the school was; Campus, teacher behavior, animals.

  • Common sources of awareness; word of mouth, campus/site tour, website

  • They used the website to read parent's reviews, and wouldn't return to the website after the admission process.

Based on these insights I built an understanding of our target users through user stories, pain points and persona. These techniques also led to some initial design ideas.

'Deeds not words'


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