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Pathways : Reflection

I believe that most of the problems in our society like corruption, climate, poverty are results of human actions. This project helped me realize how as a designer, I can guide human behavior to solve these problems.


The SDGs aim to transform the lives of people and the planet. In this project we were required to work towards one of these goals, but it wasn't clear how design can contribute to achieving the SDGs.

Identifying a problem - Lecture by Sakshi Jain

To create an effective solution, one should target the right problem. Corruption is a huge issue in India. How can we end corruption? Breaking down a large problem can help target the right problem. Is corruption something only politicians do? Do individuals engage in acts of corruption? How an individual's action lead to corruption? What feelings drive corruption?

This will help in identifying the foundations of corruption. And that is where a designer can make an impact, by guiding the behavior that strengthens these foundations.


In recent news, I read about the adverse effects of water scarcity on the poor and the rising slums in urban areas. Brainstorming the problems in my own surroundings helped me recall my experience with this problem. While traveling to college I often witnessed the poor living conditions in the informal settlements of Okhla Industrial area. The lack of sanitation and proper access to water was in stark contrast to the rest of South Delhi. So I was curious to understand this disparity in urban areas. I realized that identifying how a problem affects your environment can help empathize with the subject better.

Design Research

This phase of the design process seems most interesting to me, and helps me engage with my work effectively. But I often struggled in efficiently planning and executing the research. During this project, we were briefed on the structure of Design process. I became aware of different factors I should consider to conduct research more efficiently. Steps I took:

  • I clearly defined the area of investigation which helped me focus and look at only relevant information.

  • I shortlisted the number of participants to interview for my study.

  • I described 4 sets of ideal participants which helped me identify and gather different perspectives effectively.

  • I brainstormed keywords related to the subject which informed my questionnaire better.

Impact of Researcher

As important as it is to decide the participants, one also needs to be mindful about the kind of researcher that the participants can be comfortable with to collect genuine responses. I realized this as in my first visit I was accompanied by a male. The goal of my first visit was to identify the most pressing issue. However my investigation into their living conditions were countered with positive responses. The insight was that they prefer ownership over quality of life, and were satisfied with the living conditions. I went for a second visit unaccompanied, and received different and more genuine responses even from the previous participants.

System Thinking

This is something I wanted to feature in my portfolio so I utilized the iceberg method used for system thinking. It helped discover the patterns and mental models that lead to unhygienic and substandard living conditions of the low-income residents in Okhla Industrial Area. Some of the problems identified were:

  • Lack of empathy for the living conditions of migrant workers (residents).

  • Residents don't feel responsible for the sanitation and hygiene of their environment.

Based on these insights, I proposed design interventions that could improve the living conditions and contribute to the SDGs.

The Solution

While ideating for solutions, visual communication didn't seem like an effective tool to create impact. Therefore my initial ideas were based on improving their infrastructure and facilities which did not align to me discipline. So I designed an Awareness campaign to assert the importance of clean water and make it accessible to residents through low-cost filtration methods. Through this initiative I aimed to make people aware and involved in their hygiene and sanitation practices.

Industry Conclave

This year's discussion explored the role of design in social impact and helped me validate my solution for the project.

  • I realized that a good solution for social impact is one that empowers people to solve their own problem instead of building a system which will make them dependent. Any hindrance in the system due to ignorance or negligence of concerned authorities will disrupt their lives.

  • Scale of impact - While developing solutions for social impact one should not be focused on creating larger impact but more on the quality and effectiveness of the change.

While a Campaign cannot change existing systems and infrastructure, it can guide people by providing useful information and striking important conversations.

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